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About the Farm and Studio


Hameau Farm

6364 SR 655

Belleville, Pa 17004

The owner of Hameau Farm, Audrey Gay Rodgers, rents out the studio space to Susan Nicholas Gephart for the Hameau Artist Retreats. Gay's creative passion is to prepare and cook meals for the artists.

The Farm

Hameau Farm in the Big Valley is a working dairy farm located in Belleville, PA. In 1999, Gay began hosting artist retreats for adults. Since then, these retreats have evolved into the Hameau Farm Studio Artist Retreats that we know today.

The farm is home to Ayrshire cows, Jacob sheep, Barred Rock chickens, and, in the summer, adventurous young female campers; Gay has hosted annual 6 week summer “Farm Camps” for girls, ages 8–14 since 1996.


The Studio

"The hayloft on the top floor of the barn was converted into an art studio and theater space for use by artists and campers. The one side of the room is a wall of windows, allowing artists — painters, sculptors, illustrators and more — to view the picturesque landscape during times of inclement weather. This design was created to incorporate the plein-air feel that French artist Monet used." (x)

The panoramic views and comforts of the Hameau Farm Studio along with its well-lit space for demos, critiques, and painting make it an ideal getaway for artists.


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