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Meet the Instructor

Susan Nicholas Gephart

Organizer and Instructor

Susan Nicholas Gephart is an award winning pastel and oil painter who has been creating colorful, impressionistic landscapes "plein air" for over fifty years. She works and teaches in all mediums, and welcomes all levels to attend the Hameau Artist Retreat.

Susan is a 1979 BFA graduate from Penn State University. In 2007 she was inducted into the Montgomery County Community College Alumni Hall of Fame, where she and her father exhibited together in June 2008.

She has shown her work in The Pastel Society of America, Art of The State of Pennsylvania, and is in the collections of The Penn Stater Conference Center and The Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art.

Susan is a product demonstrator for Gamblin Oils, Certified Instructor of Jack Richesons Products and teaches privately at her home studio in Bellefonte.


Anna Crane


Anna has been working with Susan Nicholas Gephart for over ten years. She has a BFA in Drawing and Painting with Honors from Penn State University.

In addition to assisting Susan, Anna will provide support for retreat attendees in the field. She is also in charge of registration.


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