There are multiple options for lodging. Retreat attendees may stay in the Hameau Rustic Cabins for free, or can book rooms in one of the local B&Bs or hotels.
When we say "rustic," we really mean it. There is no electricity or running water in the cabins, and it's a small hike to the nearest restroom. Staying in the cabins is free, but we highly recommend you only choose this option if you are an experienced camper.
The housing accommodations were also great for someone like me who is comfortable "roughing it" a bit. I stayed at the Shawnee cabin just a 5 minute walk past the main studio which was somewhat barebones but had nice cots and the biggest benefit was that it's free! Many of the other attendees stayed at local B&B's for a more luxurious experience but as a young artist trying to save money, I seriously appreciated the no-cost option. Otherwise I likely wouldn't have been able to afford this experience.
-Tom Rosenow, 2021
Book your accommodations separately and quickly, because space is limited, and Hameau retreats often coincide with Penn State's Spring commencement.
The Hill Store Guest Cottage is reserved for Hameau Artists only during the retreat at a special rate and fills quickly. 717-935-2390
The Brookmere Winery: 717-935-2195
Coffee Run Cottage: 717-994-2785 | relax@coffeeruncottage.com
Holiday Inn Express - 717-946-0777
You can also search for B&Bs and hotels in the Belleville and Lewistown area to find other options.
Please review your plan with Susan by email or phone at SNicholasArt@gmail.com or 814-360-2116.